Gary Vaynerchuk Self-Awareness

Posted by JT Turner on 2016-06-29

A few months back I watch a video that Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee) posted that really got me thinking and wanting to share it. At the time he wanted more then anything for people to be self-aware. Not just aware of their strengths but their weakness as well. At the time I was like that really isn’t me. I know what I am good at and what I am bad at, right? Well until this post and some of the things I have been working through the last few weeks I don’t think I did.

For those that don’t know who Gary Vaynerchuk is, here are the two videos I am talking about.

Part 1:

Part 2:

So who is the real JT? I’m a creator. I love to build things using code that make peoples’ lives easier. I love to learn new things and share and teach others. These are my strengths.

Who am I not? I have said multiple times that I want to own my own software company to build some great application but I am not sure that is the case. Yes I have lots of great ideas but so do you. It is all about execution and that isn’t my strength. I think I got hung up on the social media entrepreneur mentality. I have also always wanted to work for myself but I don’t need to be an entrepreneur with some big software company to create.

I am going to double down on my strengths and start accepting my shortcomings. I plan on writing on this blog far more now. I am going to market it, gather a community of people that also enjoy creating, and showing them how to make a living doing it. Do I know how at this point? Nope, but finding out how is one of my strengths and as I learn I hope to share it with others.

I understand I have been lucky that one of my creative outlets has been computer programming. It has helped me make a bunch on money but it isn’t just about the money. I want the freedom to create without the pressure of going into work and working on someone else’s dream. I want to be able to travel and not worry about the office or only do it for the 2 to 3 weeks a year I get vacation. If someone in my family is sick I want to be able to stay home and make sure they are better.

So I want to first thank Gary Vaynerchuk for everything he creates as well as calling me out on my baggage. I am sure he will be the subject of some of the posts on here.
